Rush Select Centers
Each year Rush Select will host four regional Centers for players that want to be a part of the Rush Select program for the U14 – U19 age group. The U13 center will always be tied to the annual Rush Fest event. Starting in 2021, the Centers will be a pre season tournament type event that will feature training, rush way, and ID features. Rush Select is highly encouraging you to come with your team, but there will be options for individuals to register and be placed on other Rush teams attending if you cannot come with your local team.
The aim of the Centers are to continue to promote the Rush Way to both coaches and players while also identifying Rush Soccer’s top talent. At the Centers, players and teams are invited in to train and play games over a three day period, all while being evaluated by the national Rush Soccer staff. These Centers are a great way for all Rush teams to start the season off with pre-season friendlies, learn more about the Rush Way, and get the opportunity to be identified for a higher level team.
At the Centers, the top individual performers will be selected to join Regional Select Teams at the HUB in November to compete against the best U13-U15 players in Rush Soccer from across the United States and Canada. U16-U18Â top individual performers will be invited to the Rush Select National Teams for the PDT weekend event in February.
The Midwest Center will be July 23 – 25 in Elgin, IL, just outside of Chicago. This is for all Rush Teams and Individuals in the Midwest Region.
The West Center will take place July 27 – 29 in Denver, CO. This is for all Rush Teams and Individuals in the West Region.
The Northeast Center will be held August 6 – 8 in Conshohocken, PA, just outside of Philadelphia. This is for all Rush Teams and Individuals in the Northeast Region.
The South Center will be held August 6 – 8 in Alpharetta, GA, just outside of Atlanta. This is for all Rush Teams and Individuals in the South Region.
More information can be found here on all the Centers as well registration links, hotel links and more.
Be on the look out for more information about each Center as we get closer to the summer!